Catholic School Council 2022-23
The role of the Catholic School Council (CSC) is advisory. It shall provide ideas and opinions to assist the principal in decision-making on educational issues (Catholic School Council Guidelines 2014). Election dates are announced early in the new school year. No special training or experience is required and all are welcome!
There are many ways to help the school if filling a position on the Catholic School Council is not an option. There are sub-committees, which require volunteers. Parents are also welcome to simply come and attend all or any of the meetings. Meetings of the Catholic School Council take place every 1-2 months. Meeting times are published on the school calendar/newsletter.
Thank you to this year's Catholic School Council for serving our St. Anthony Daniel Community:
Mrs. Arruda
Mrs. Floren
Mrs. Shiach
Mrs. Wade
Community representative: Ms calisto
Non-Teaching Staff Rep: Mrs. Locane
Teaching Rep: Ms. Abbruzzese
Principal : Mr. Goffredo
Parish Rep: TBA