Principal's Welcome Message: 2023-24
Welcome to St. Anthony Daniel Catholic Elementary School. As we begin another school year, I would like to welcome back our returning students and extend a warm hello to the students who are new to our community. We especially extend a warm welcome to 19 new students from various schools across Hamilton Wentworth who will be participating in the JASP Program ( Junior Academic Success Program) and the KINDERGARTEN RECEPTION CLASS.
The staff and I look forwards to serving this vibrant community to assure that your children learn in a safe, loving and nurturing environment. We look forward to creating a sense of well being and belonging, to encourage academic excellence, and fostering a loving environment in which Jesus Christ is the model teacher. We also encourage our students to participate in the life of the school through participation in the numerous extra-curricular activities. Our school will continue to work closely with our pastoral team at St Margaret Mary Roman Catholic Church : Father Adam and Mrs. Sturtevant. Our mission is to empower our students to become positive, peaceful, responsible and respectful contributors in our community.
The education of your children is a shared responsibility and partnership. As such, you are encouraged to be involved in the life of your child's school, and work with your teachers. Please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher to ask questions. Likewise, my office is always open; please feel free to contact me.
God bless,
Michael Goffredo