About Our School
St. Anthony Daniel Catholic Elementary School, in collaboration with home, parish and community is dedicated to providing a vibrant, Christ-centred learning environment, fostering our faith and the pursuit of academic excellence.
We strive to empower our children to become positive, peaceful, respectful and responsible contributors in our world.
Through teaching and modelling, we encourage our students to grow in hope, faith, love, compassion and integrity.
St. Anthony Daniel we celebrate the fact that we educate the whole child spiritually, academically, emotionally, physically and socially.
Spritually, we ...
live out gospel values (i.e. compassion, peace, hope, etc.) through acts of service and charity
strive to enhance knowledge and practice of our Catholic faith model
have a family-like culture permeates throughout the school
have a learning environment that is dedicated to student success and doing whatever it takes to achieve this
Academically, we...
use early intervention strategies (Guided and differentiated instruction with the teacher to support from the Special Education Resource and Language Resource teachers)
use data based decision- making on the level of the student, the class, the division and the whole school
have effective school improvement planning and review
have monthly meetings of divisional teams as professional learning communities that focus on specific pedagogy-related discussions and team goal-setting related directly to classroom practice
have extensive and frequent school, as well as board based, professional in-servicing
Emotionally and Physically, we...
have numerous CYO teams and intramural teams that provide many diverse opportunities for daily physical activity and exercise
Socially, we ...
have established ways to resolve conflict constructively and peacefully
implement a character building initiative school wide each year- respect, self regulation, peacemakers
have introduced a peaceful conflict resolution policy (SWAP) for children based on forgiveness using Jesus as a role model
S- Stop- tell the person to stop
W-walk away
AP- ask a person who you trust to help/assist you
Bullying Awareness and Prevention.
St Anthony Daniel Catholic school is committed to keeping all students safe. As such we hold sacred that each student is created in the image of God . Each child must be treated with respect. More importantly, every student has the right to feel safe and be safe at school.
-Our staff is committed to foster a positive and wholesome learning environment.
-Our staff recognizes that bullying adversely affects a student's ability to learn and participate
-Our staff also understands that bullying affects the school climate , including healthy relationships
-Bullying behaviors will not be accepted on school property, at school related activities, on school buses, on line, or in ay other circumstances
Bullying means aggressive and typically repeated behavior:
-the behavior is intentional
-the behavior is intended to cause harm, fear, distress to another individual- can include physical, psychological, social or academic harm, harm to reputation or harm to the individual's property...
-the behavior creates a negative environment at school
-the behavior occurs where there is a real or perceived power imbalance between the student and the individual based on: size, strength, age, intelligence, peer group, economic status, social status, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, family circumstances, gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, disability
Bulling behavior can be:
-PHYSICAL: may include hitting, pushing, slapping, tripping...
-VERBAL: may include name calling, mocking, insults, threats, ands sexist, racist, homophobic, or trans -phobic comments...
-SOCIAL OR RELATIONAL: may include gossiping, spreading rumors, excluding others, humiliating others, graffiti about others ...
-CYBER : may include spreading rumors , images, or hurtful comments through the use of email, cell phones, text messaging, Internet websites, social networking...
At St Anthony Daniel, we have established an anti -bullying program based on education and positive conflict resolution strategies:
-classroom based learning activities that promote understanding of differences, inclusion, and positive leadership
-Students Council representation as Bullying Champion Teams
-Announcements with a positive message of the day
-art related activities on bullying and inclusion
-recognition of students with positive behaviors
-weekly Monday assemblies- focus is the 4 R's- respect and reverence for God, respect for self, respect for others, respect for school
-student led assembles on respect, friendship, fair play, conflict resolution, bullying awareness, kindness,
forgiveness, diversity
-creation of Student/staff/Public health Nurse team- HAT -Health Action Team - to promote school wellness, coping awareness for anxiety, alleviating stress, eating well
-mentoring of younger students by Intermediate students
-reinforcing and utilizing SWAP conflict resolution strategies with students
-inviting HW Police Officer J. Dinning to visit and promote positive behaviors
-school wide bullying awareness days- wear PINK day in November
-we are "peacemakers and forgivers" days
-we are "friends" days
-promoting Restorative Justice practices
-invitation of guest speakers on positive relationships/bullying